
About the Author

Lieutenant Colonel Hunter Ripley “Rip” Rawlings IV was a Marine Corps infantry and Reconnaissance Officer with over 22-years of service. With ten combat and peace keeping deployments including Iraq (OIF), Afghanistan (OEF), CJTF-HOA (OEF) Djibouti and a specialty military reconnaissance advisor to Saudi Arabian forces, to name a few.

Lieutenant Colonel Rawlings' last assignment was as an instructor at Marine Corps University with an appointment as the Command & Staff College Associate Dean and the Department Head for Warfighting.

Prior to this appointment, he served as Battalion Commander, 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, the Marine Corps’ storied “Darkhorse” battalion.

The Kill Box

September 28, 2021

Assault by Fire

September 29, 2020

Red Metal

July 16, 2019