
About the Author

After Virginia’s oldest son left for college and her youngest son began high school, she finally had time to pursue her dream of writing novels. Virginia dusted off the keyboard she once used as a magazine editor and journalist, to create a world that combines her love of romance, history, and Plain living.

Her Amish New World series takes readers on a journey into the 18th century Pennsylvania wilderness and the pioneering days of the first American Amish. Each carefully researched novel brings a bygone era to life and connects readers to this forgotten time by weaving familiar Amish romances into an historic frontier setting.

Virginia’s Wise's favorite pastimes include wandering Lancaster County’s Amish country and exploring living history museums that inspire her stories and help her connect readers with a forgotten past. When she’s not writing, Virginia enjoys painting and taking long walks in the woods.

What the Heart Wants

December 29, 2020

An Amish Second Christmas

September 29, 2020

An Amish Second Christmas

September 24, 2019

Where the Heart Takes You

December 18, 2018