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"When you can't vote, who will speak up for you? Mattie Zook!"

By: Jennifer Beckstrand

Genres: Romance | Amish

Posted: November 3, 2022

Mattie Zook is the determined heroine of this lovely romance, unabashed by being sent to stay with Amish quiltmaker and expectant mother Esther Kiem as a family punishment. THE AMISH QUILTMAKER’S UNCONVENTIONAL NIECE acted contrary to the self-effacing, humble rule of her faith. She dared to sue a man who was dumping garbage on her family farm. Now packed off to Byler in dry, dusty Colorado, Mattie goes one better.

A local town councilman Bill Isom has created an ordinance against horses and buggies using the main streets of town. This makes life very difficult for the Amish people, who need to do business, visit, shop or attend church. The Pennsylvania girl Mattie is on her rumspringa or running-around time before she commits to her faith, so she can speak out, and state that she will run for council. Unlike local young man Freeman Sensenig, who is recruited by his two sisters and a local Englisch lady to be Mattie’s campaign manager. Freeman is a potato farmer, and he resents Mattie’s unconsidered remarks about Colorado being arid, dull, and giving her altitude sickness. Sure, Byler is small. But it’s his town.

Cathy Larsen is another fabulous character, a senior lady who gets along with most people and doesn’t care if she offends the rest. Cathy is the vehicle for much of the plot, because Mattie simply does not understand how a political campaign is run, how to make flyers or raise funding, or anything else. The adult Amish do not vote. Cathy is no paragon because she has to fall back on a young relative to get a working computer. But like most young people here, Cathy has a smartphone and she’s not afraid to use it.

I had just finished reading a dystopian novel set in Colorado’s dust-filled future, so this gentle and humour-filled light romance was the perfect antidote. Jennifer Beckstrand always comes up with some original way of representing the Amish community, and this tale will mean more if you have read several Amish novels already. Her earlier series Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill and The Honeybee Sisters are amusing and involving. THE AMISH QUILTMAKER’S UNCONVENTIONAL NIECE continues the stories built around Amish Quiltmakers with Esther Kiem, who fusses and frets over each new development, but comes out of events surprisingly well. Pick up the threads and enjoy, and remember to value your vote.

Book Summary

Quilt making, troublemaking, and matchmaking create a sweetly entertaining mix in this inspirational romance series featuring resourceful Colorado quiltmaker Esther Kiem—from USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Beckstrand, beloved, award-winning inspirational romance author of the Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill, The Honeybee Sisters, and The Petersheim Brothers series. Will appeal to fans of Charlotte Hubbard, Amy Lillard, and Emma Miller.
Mattie Zook always stands up for what’s right—which is why she’s been exiled from her Pennsylvania Dutch home to her Aunt Esther’s farm. Outraged at local discrimination against the Amish, she’s using her rumschpringe to run for town council. Esther can only hope that sensible local farmer Freeman Sensenig will help Mattie—and keep her from going too far. But Mattie is soon finding her new campaign manager all too appealing . . .
Freeman never thought that the standoffish, opinionated Mattie would care so much about others. Even more amazing, their differences are somehow making her campaign successful—and have him hoping for more of a future with her. But unexpected obstacles and a sudden romantic rival will put their growing closeness to the test—and give them only one chance to truly reconcile their hearts . . .

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The Amish Quiltmaker's Unconventional Niece by Jennifer Beckstrand

The Amish Quiltmaker's Unconventional Niece

by: Jennifer Beckstrand

The Amish Quiltmaker

November 1, 2022
On Sale: October 25, 2022
Featuring: Auntie Esther; Mattie Zook
352 pages
ISBN: 1420152033
EAN: 9781420152036
Kindle: B09RGB84J1
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book

Available in: