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"An actress needs to ride - but she's afraid of horses"

By: Nina Crespo

Genres: Romance Contemporary

Posted: January 4, 2021

Chloe Daniels is an actress determined to gain a breakthrough part. She needs to have experience working around horses, so she books herself a month on a holiday ranch in hot Maryland. Secretly, she’s afraid of riding. In THE COWBOY’S CLAIM, get ready to admire this lady a great deal as she toughs it out beyond any other guest.

Tristan Tillbridge is a family member in this ‘Tillbridge Stables’ series, and he’s establishing his right to be part-owner of the business. He was estranged from his late father as his stepmother came between them. Therefore he doesn’t trust another city-type elegant woman who says she’s keen to learn about horses. One gold-digger in the family was enough.

I laughed as Chloe – rebuffed from her horse quest – pitches straight in with the restaurant work and from there moves on to any other work needed. She makes herself so darn useful around the place that everyone likes her and is ready to give the stable manager a hard time. Just as much, I started to admire the rest of the kind staff, with all the organising and sheer hard work that goes into the care and feeding of many guests. Not to mention the horses.  

If you want to read an enjoyable outdoor romance about a contrasting couple, Nina Crespo has penned a great start to her series. The cast are interesting and have well-considered backgrounds, and I can see that plenty of potential arises for new characters to arrive as guests, staff or specialists. I learnt a little about acting, and the pressures on an upcoming actress who has to try hard to be likeable to the director and not appear a prima donna to the crew. Meanwhile, the Maryland folks enjoy their cook-outs and dancing, and who can blame them with good food and excellent appetites.

THE COWBOY’S CLAIM is a fun contemporary Western romance, which I recommend to horse lovers and romance fans everywhere. I’ll be watching for more ‘Tillbridge Stables’ books. Grab your boots and Stetson, those horses won’t groom themselves.  

Book Summary

He’s discovered his leading lady

The role of her dreams: in his arms.

Chloe Daniels is determined to land the role of a lifetime. Even if she’s terrified to get on a horse! And the last thing her reluctant teacher, Tristan Tillbridge, wants is to entertain a pampered actress. But the enigmatic cowboy soon discovers that Chloe is as genuine as she is gorgeous, and he’s determined to make her his. Will this unlikely pair discover that the sparks between them are anything but an act?

Read an Excerpt

The Cowboy's Claim by Nina Crespo

The Cowboy's Claim

by: Nina Crespo

Tillbridge Stables #1

Harlequin Special Edition
June 1, 2020
On Sale: May 19, 2020
Featuring: Tristan Tillbridge; Chloe Daniels
288 pages
ISBN: 1335894632
EAN: 9781335894632
Kindle: B081FC96XP
Paperback / e-Book

Available in: