"Masterfully written addition to a fabulous series"

By: Sharon Sala

Genres: Romance Contemporary

Posted: January 4, 2021

Well, we are off to the races once again. Sharon Sala gets better with each of the Blessings Georgia installments. Each one in this series is just chock full of the best-written characters and A RAINBOW ABOVE US is proving to be another success in casting. A RAINBOW ABOVE US is about returning to a place that used to be home. A lot has happened in the ensuing years, growth and maturity head the list for Bowie James. It seems that both Bowie and his mother fled this little town when he was a young boy. The Boone family had basically chased them from their home town. And in A RAINBOW ABOVE US Bowie’s return to Blessings is met with mixed emotions from the townsfolk.

Sharon Sala doesn’t waste any time getting us up to speed in the James Boone feud.

Bowie James is a larger than life character. He is the bastard son of the Boone heir who raped Bowie’s mother.  Bowie is quite eloquent when discussing his DNA. He looks into the mirror and sees the face of the devil. Bowie is now a successful builder returning to Blessings for only one reason and that is to help his grandmother and aunt get back into their home damaged by a hurricane flood. You can’t help but fall madly in love with Bowie when he calls these women his girls. He is the light of their lives and the feeling is mutual for sure.

Bowie would have loved to come and go without any fanfare or trouble but it looks as if the Boone family is still living in the past. One by one the Boones keep getting in Bowie's face but now as a strong resourceful adult, they are discovering that this James is not going to hightail it out of town with his head down. This James is ready and willing to meet their threats head-on. And it looks as though this time the town is going to back Bowie.

A RAINBOW ABOVE US brings to mind a feeling of renewal. After the storm, there is a rainbow which many believe is a sign from above that calm will now prevail. That is what Bowie would treasure. It is obvious that he has missed his family and his home. Hopefully being back in Blessings with his beloved grandmother and aunt will bring him a measure of calm.

It is not only his family that Bowie is caring for. It seems that they had taken another rescue from the hurricane Rowan. Rowan lost her home and her father. Her sadness is deep. Bowie can feel it. But Rowan touches a part of Bowie that he didn’t expect. Her honesty and care for his family is just a part of what he is attracted to. It doesn’t escape his notice that Rowan is totally unaware of her beauty. Bowie has no plans to act on his attraction to this lovely young woman. But as time goes on it is going to be just as difficult to leave this town, his grandmother, aunt and Rowan as it had when he was a young boy.

There are so many scenes in A RAINBOW ABOVE US that live on way after closing the book. Sharon Sala’s talent is in her ability to take your breath away. Her dialog is spot on. Her characters are as real as they are unique and intrinsic to her story. A RAINBOW ABOVE US is another winner in the Blessings Georgia series.

Book Summary

When times are tough, there’s always a little Blessings to go around—the newest Blessings, Georgia novel by bestselling author Sharon Sala

Blessings, Georgia is still recovering from the aftermath of Hurricane Fanny and no one is left unscathed—including Rowan Harper, the only surviving member of her family. Rebuilding her life now seems almost impossible.

Bowie James is no stranger to the storm's damage—and on top of that, he's clashing with his birth father's family. Falling for anyone—even a beautiful, kindhearted woman like Rowan, is out of the question. There's too much heartache going around, unless… Their love might just bring the hope and healing to themselves and their families they all need. As long as they're willing to give it a chance.

A Rainbow Above Us by Sharon Sala

A Rainbow Above Us

by: Sharon Sala

Blessings, Georgia #8

Sourcebooks Casablanca
July 1, 2019
On Sale: June 25, 2019
352 pages
ISBN: 1492673684
EAN: 9781492673682
Kindle: B07MZHH249
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book

Available in: