"Love transends centuries in this newest marvel"

By: Jude Deveraux

Genres: Romance | Romance Time Travel

Posted: September 14, 2020

Imagine meeting someone in the present and experiencing déjà vu with every passing glance or look. Jude Deveraux has once again presented us, very fortunate readers, with an amazing adventure in time travel. Well, sort of travel more like lifetimes. Nobody does it better.

CHANCE OF A LIFETIME has the reader traveling back and forth from the eighteen hundreds to the present as we watch two unfortunate characters meet, fall in love, and then presumably separate. All we know is that between the start of their relationship or friendship to the present something happened that changed the trajectory of their futures.

In CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Liam gets an opportunity, of sorts, through the help of two angels to right the wrong from so many decades ago. He is charged with the task of helping Cora fall in love and build a life with the man fated to become her husband. Cora’s future was altered by some event that occurred back in the eighteen hundreds. Liam had a hand in what came between Cora and her intended. The interesting concept is that throughout these many decades Cora or her descendant has repeatedly suffered from relationships ending badly. We aren’t really certain but the inference is that Liam has been traveling through time with her and in each acquaintance, he has ruined Cora’s love life.

Liam and Cora are reunited in the present to work as partners. Each is an officer of the law. Cora has no idea that she knew Liam. But Liam has wondrous memories of his friendship with Cora. In short, Liam has loved Cora since the eighteen hundreds and still does. Liam would like to have another chance to be with the woman he adores. But the angels have an entirely different plan.

Jude Deveraux keeps dropping clues about just what might have occurred between Liam and Cora over many generations but ingeniously keeps the reader guessing. In CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, there are many incidents where you can’t help but gasp as still another shoe drops. That’s the idea. So many hints about what Liam needs to accomplish on this visit back from the dead. Yes, Liam is dead – or at least one of the many generations of his character is dead. The angels are giving him a chance to mend all his mistakes with Cora so that he can enter heaven.

CHANCE OF A LIFETIME is chock full of humor and pathos. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME is an exercise in suspending belief. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME is a love story. Jude Deveraux and Tara Sheets create some extraordinary characters, some that Liam recognizes from his past lives. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME is book one of a new series entitled Providence Falls. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME opens up a huge cache of possibilities – promises to keep – from the very talented, creative, and prolific author Jude Deveraux and Tara Sheets.

Book Summary

In one century she loved him madly, and in another she wants nothing to do with him

In 1844 Ireland, Liam O’Connor, a rogue and a thief, fell madly in love with a squire’s daughter and unwittingly altered the future. Shy and naive Cora McLeod thought Liam was the answer to her prayers. But the angels disagreed and they’ve been waiting for the right moment in time to step in.

Now Liam finds himself reunited with his beloved Cora in Providence Falls, North Carolina. The angels have given Liam a task. He must make sure Cora falls in love with another man—the one she was supposed to marry before Liam interfered. But this Cora is very different from the innocent girl who fell for Liam in the past. She’s a cop and has a confidence and independence he wasn’t expecting. She doesn’t remember Liam or their past lives, nor is she impressed with his attempts to guide her in any way.

Liam wants Cora for himself, but with his soul hanging in the balance, he must choose between a stolen moment in time or an eternity of damnation.

Chance of a Lifetime by Jude Deveraux

Chance of a Lifetime

by: Jude Deveraux

Providence Falls #1

September 1, 2020
On Sale: September 15, 2020
336 pages
ISBN: 0778309932
EAN: 9780778309932
Kindle: B0813R9WG8
Trade Size / e-Book

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