"Who really is the murderer?"

By: Cara Putman

Genres: Mystery | Inspirational Mystery

Posted: July 27, 2020

Emilie was a lawyer who worked to help women in trouble. Most of the women were abused by their husband or boyfriend. Emilie's job was to get the legal paperwork to get these women out of their situations. One of her clients, Kaylene, wanted nothing more than to get herself and her two children away from her abusive husband Robert. On the day that they were to get the paperwork, Kaylene is a no show. Emilie is very worried, as Kaylene wanted this really bad. Come to find out the reason that she never showed, is that Kaylene's body was on its way to the morgue along with one of her daughters.

Reid is Kaylene's brother. He is shocked by what has happened; his sister is dead, along with one of her daughters, the other one in critical condition. Reid knows that there is no way that his sister would have done this. The girls were her life. Now Robert will not allow Reid to see his niece. Reid knows that something in this puzzle is missing. Kaylene has left boxes at Reid's house for safekeeping. Reid decides to go through the boxes to see if there are any clues. One thing that he did find was that if something happened to her, he wanted Reid to get ahold of Emilie because Kaylene knows that she would help.

Reid and Emilie join forces to find out what really happened and to try and get custody of Kinley. Both know that somehow they had to prove that Robert had something to do with this. While all this is going on Emilie has a strange feeling that someone is following her. Emilie feels that it is not Robert, but who could it be. Will Reid and Emilie be able to prove Robert is an unfit father and get custody of Kinley?

This is the second book I have read of Cara Putman. Glad that she brought back Emilie. Emilie is a strong woman, and knows how to do her job. I also enjoyed the relationship between Emilie and Reid, could be a new power couple. This book had me really guessing as to who really murdered mother and daughter. Right when I think I knew, I was wrong.

Putman also writes a really great mystery book. Sometimes I found myself in Emilie's shoes wondering what I would have done to protect my clients. Great story hope to see more of Emilie's story along with Reid. Another great summer reading.

Book Summary

The police say the woman was a murderer. Emilie Wesley knows they can’t be talking about her client . . . can they?

To the world it seems obvious: Kaylene Adams killed her daughter before taking her own life. Attorney Emilie Wesley knows a different story: Kaylene would never hurt anyone and was looking for a way out of a controlling, abusive relationship. Her death shakes Emilie’s belief that she can make a difference for women in violent marriages. Self-doubt plagues her as she struggles to continue her work in the wake of the tragedy. 

Reid Billings thought he knew his sister—right up until he learned how she died. He discovers a letter from Kaylene begging him to fight for custody of her daughters if anything should happen to her. No attorney in her right mind would support an uncle instead of the father in a custody case, but Kaylene’s letter claims Emilie Wesley will help him. 

Thrown together in the race to save Kaylene’s surviving daughter, Emily and Reid pursue the constantly evasive truth. If they can hang on to hope together, can they save a young girl—and find a future for themselves in the process? 

Imperfect Justice by Cara Putman

Imperfect Justice

by: Cara Putman

Hidden Justice #2

Thomas Nelson
April 1, 2019
On Sale: April 9, 2019
Featuring: Emilie Wesley; Reid Billings
400 pages
ISBN: 0785224637
EAN: 9780785224631
Kindle: B06XFDK5KY
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)

Available in: