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HOME ON HUCKLEBERRY HILL by Jennifer Beckstrand

"When a marriage breakup is imminent, the matchmakers get to work"

By: Jennifer Beckstrand

Genres: Romance | Christian | Amish

Posted: July 16, 2018

Sometimes when I read an Amish romance, I wish people had more of a sense of humour. No such lack is apparent in this enjoyable account, which begins on a sixth wedding anniversary in Wisconsin. Mary Anne Neuenschwander can't have children, and she's fed up with her husband working and fishing and paying no attention to his lovely young wife. When Jethro comes HOME ON HUCKLEBERRY HILL he discovers Mary Anne has taken the tent and a few household items, and set up a quilt factory near the barn. Where's my dinner? is his reaction, but she says she's left him. They are not allowed to divorce, but nothing says they have to live in the same house.

Anna and Felty Helmuth are theMatchmakers of Huckleberry Hill who give the series its title, and the seniors may be a bit stiff for camping out, but they are determined to support their grand-daughter. Even the bishop merely counsels patience and tells Jethro not to be critical; everyone should look to their own self first for failings. Mary Anne is well able to sell quilts and should be self- supporting without the housework to accomplish. Not surprisingly, Jethro misses his wife's cooking as much as his wife; and his family is not pleased.

Now we see where the lovely cover picture of a lady sitting by a campfire comes from, and while the weather is good, why not? Of course, brave Mary Anne would need a roof over her head before the snow. But maybe the wise matchmakers will have mended fences by fall. This extraordinary heroine is creative and good at crafts, willing to blame herself for all that goes wrong, and strong enough to hide her trembling knees when she attends church in front of her community. She represents many women, and we can all learn a lesson.

I enjoyed the bishop's remark that a husband should cherish his wife, while the differing reactions of the wider community are priceless. This is a really well-observed tale by Jennifer Beckstrand who always has an original take on matters. HOME ON HUCKLEBERRY HILL has to be one of the funniest books I have read this year.

Book Summary

Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin’s irrepressible eighty- something matchmakers Anna and Felty Helmuth are at it again. And this time they’re willing to rough it to get the job done…

Mary Anne Neuenschwander knows she should be content with what Gotte has given her. She has a comfortable house, a fruitful farm, and a good, steady husband. But after nearly six years of marriage, she still longs for a baby. Yet her husband, Jethro, seems to care more about fishing than about his wife. Unable to bear Jethro’s indifference, Mary Anne moves into a tent in the woods where he won’t have to be bothered. But when her mammi and dawdi find out what she’s done, they’ll stop at nothing—including a little camping trip of their own—to help save their granddaughter’s marriage…

Jethro’s greatest blessing is his beloved wife, Mary Anne. Nothing else in his life has turned out anywhere near the way he expected. Rather than burden Mary Anne with his disappointment, he shields her by spending less and less time at home and more time on the river. But when he finds that she’s moved out, he’s shocked. What will people think? What is Mary Anne thinking? And what clever plans are her grandparents hatching?…

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Home on Huckleberry Hill by Jennifer Beckstrand

Home on Huckleberry Hill

by: Jennifer Beckstrand

Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill #9

July 1, 2018
On Sale: June 26, 2018
Featuring: Jethro Neuenschwander; Mary Anne Neuenschwander
352 pages
ISBN: 1420144154
EAN: 9781420144154
Kindle: B07637WYQK
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book

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