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AMISH BRIDES by Jennifer Beckstrand

"Three entertaining novellas from three reliable authors"

By: Jennifer Beckstrand

Genres: Inspirational Romance | Amish

Posted: September 6, 2017

When I see Jennifer Beckstrand's name on a romance book I'm delighted. She's written the 'Huckleberry Hill and 'Honeybee Sisters' books. With this three in one set of tales about AMISH BRIDES I'm also pleased to get to know Molly Jebber and Amy Lillard. All three specialise in Amish romance and tell a good yarn.

THE RELUCTANT GROOM is Jennifer Beckstrand's contribution. Anna Helmuth is a respectable widow who loves matchmaking as much as crocheting. Her daughter Esther tells her she works too hard. But Anna can't fail to help a neighbour, Suvie, who asks her to help with a match. Not gifted in the cooking department, Suvie has set her eye on Aaron, a young relative of Anna's. Poor Aaron has been widowed. Is three years long enough to mourn? And is the lack of kitchen skill too big a drawback for a farm wife? This story fits with the 'Huckleberry Hill' series, which has a modern approach, and gently explores the depressed state of loss. While I definitely enjoyed it, the notion of a farmer spending three years eating ramen noodles does not ring true. Men usually like meat and need hearty meals to do farm work. Even if he bought pies to heat in the oven, I am certain he would have eaten better meals.

JOSHUA'S BRIDE by Molly Jebber is set in 1885 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Madeline Lehman accepts a proposal from Joshua Stutzman with delight. But his family aren't so happy. Because Madeline's wilder sister Catherine broke his brother's heart when she left the faith, the older folks believe Madeline's family can't be trusted. When Catherine returns - briefly - Madeline's faith and her family's good standing in the community will be sorely tested. With much womanly chatter and regard for elders, this very entertaining tale contrasts lifestyles well.

A SUMMER WEDDING IN PARADISE is by Amy Lillard. Reba Schmucker, a young teacher, points out differences by wishing the Amish were allowed to wear watches. Sometimes it really is hard to get my head around how different this community is from mine. Abel, a repairman come to work on the school roof, gets in her bad books by splashing her with his buggy so she falls and breaks her ankle. Doesn't he know you're supposed to get on the good side of a teacher? Have fun with this one. AMISH BRIDES is more about the people than faith and the romances are suitable for any age.

Book Summary

Under bright blue skies, wedding bells ring—fulfilling sweet dreams, impossible wishes, and joyous new beginnings . . .

Jennifer Beckstrand
Spirited Suvie Newswenger has three marriage proposals—but not from the man she truly loves. No matter how lonely widower Aaron Beachy is, he seems determined to stay that way forever. Now, with help from his matchmaking great-grandparents, Suvie will do whatever it takes to rekindle Aaron’s hope—and spark happiness for a lifetime.

Molly Jebber
Madeline Lehman fears her fiancé’s family will never accept her because of her rebellious sister. She’s postponed her wedding to Joshua Stutzman until they see the truth. But when Maddie adopts her sister’s abandoned baby, can she and Joshua find a way to unite their families through forgiveness as well as love?

Amy Lillard
Reba Schmucker longs to be a bride. And she knows her mischievous nieces just wanted to help when they “chose” Abel Weaver for her. But he’s the last man in the world she’d ever marry. There’s no way her independence and his stubbornness could ever get along—unless a sudden crisis somehow leads to understanding . . . and love.

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Amish Brides by Jennifer Beckstrand

Amish Brides

by: Jennifer Beckstrand

June 1, 2017
On Sale: May 30, 2017
352 pages
ISBN: 1496711637
EAN: 9781496711632
Kindle: B01LJKQIP0
Trade Size / e-Book

Available in: