"The perfect pair for the Perfect Day"

By: Maya Rodale

Genres: Romance Historical

Posted: August 9, 2016

The American Cavendishes have had a rather hard time in England. The newly appointed Duke of Durham, former horse breeder in the Colonies, has three sisters, and the most reluctant to adapt to the aristocratic way of life is without a doubt Lady Amelia. She's the youngest, most rebellious, and wants nothing to do with etiquette, soirées, or even a husband. Unlike her sister Bridget, she cares not a jot about fitting in, and she misses the family's Maryland farm. The newfangled shoes hurt, her corset is a contraption devised by the Devil himself; she likes nothing of it all. However, when dared to act the part of a proper lady, she accepts the challenge. Unfortunately, that is also the moment she chooses to take off the offending shoes in public...

Alistair Finlay-Jones, heir to a baronetcy, had been roaming the Continent for six years when he is summoned to England by his uncle, baron Wrotham, who orders Alistair to marry one of those wealthy American heathens. Walking home to Mayfair late one evening, when he had imbibed a tad too much, Alistair comes across a lovely shoeless woman who appears inebriated, and it is the beginning of a perfect day.

And what a gloriously perfect day it is as we go sightseeing along with Alistair and Amelia! Ms. Rodale's descriptions are so vivid, it's almost like being right there in Regency London. Amelia is quite the hoyden, but a charming character, and Alistair is just as delightful, and together they are just about as perfect as they come. They have fun while shunning conventions while slowly falling in love in the course of a day, and it is entirely believable.

However, Alistair is somewhat of a spineless scoundrel, and while Amelia tells him a tiny fib, he lies by omission. Alistair feels guilty, but doesn't come clean, and this unfortunately stayed in the back of my mind throughout what might have been one of the most amazingly lovely passage of any book ever, and kept me from enjoying what could have been truly a perfect day. It was only a question of time when the sword of Damocles would fall, and that type of event is something that is quite unusual in the body of Ms. Rodale's work. On the other hand, there is a very emotional and touching scene with Amelia who finds a very unlikely shoulder to cry on.

Although not as funny as I might have expected from the author, CHASING LADY AMELIA features dialogues that are positively sparkling with youthful joie de vivre, the pace is lively, and Maya Rodale's writing is as impeccable as ever. CHASING LADY AMELIA takes place during the same time frame as does the first book, and most of the story takes place over 24 hours, still it can easily be read as a standalone. CHASING LADY AMELIA is a lovely follow-up to the outstanding LADY BRIDGET'S DIARY.

Book Summary

Terribly Improper
Lady Amelia is fed up with being a proper lady and wishes to explore London, so one night she escapes…and finds herself in the company of one Alistair Finlay-Jones. He’s been ordered by his uncle to wed one of the American girls. How lucky then, that one of them stumbles right into his arms!

Totally Scandalous
Alistair and Amelia have one perfect day to explore London, from Astley’s Amphitheater to Vauxhall Gardens. Inevitably they end up falling in love and making love. If anyone finds out, she will be ruined, but he will win everything he’s ever wanted.

Very Romantic
When Amelia finds out Alistair has been ordered to marry her, he must woo her and win back the angry American girl. But with the threat of scandals, plural, looming…will he ever catch up to the woman he loves?

Chasing Lady Amelia by Maya Rodale

Chasing Lady Amelia

by: Maya Rodale

Keeping Up With the Cavendishes #2

July 1, 2016
On Sale: June 28, 2016
Featuring: Lady Amelia; Alistair Finlay-Jones
ISBN: 006238676X
EAN: 9780062386762
Kindle: B0166JMQSM
Paperback / e-Book

Available in: