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"Finding a treasure in your inheritance"

By: Sheila Roberts

Genres: Romance Contemporary

Posted: March 16, 2016

Mia Blair and Colin Wright are back in Icicle Falls, Washington for a very sad occasion. Colin's grandmother, Justine Wright, has passed away. Justine was a pillar of strength in this small Bavarian-themed town since the early 1960s. Not only had she raised her own family of two children here, but she had taken in several foster children and helped them along their way. Mia is one of those children. Mia's mother Anna and Justine's daughter Beth were best friends until Anna died from breast cancer. Beth took Mia in, since Mia's dad had already fled the scene, and raised Mia along with help from Grandma Justine.

Mia had not returned to Icicle Falls for several years. She lives in Chicago and has just received a big promotion in her marketing job. But it was requested that she and Colin both come because they have been included in Justine's will. When the will is read, Mia and Colin are sent on a treasure hunt to find their inheritance. Clues are left on pink stationary in various places around town, each telling them the next place to search. This is a difficult journey for both Colin and Mia because they share a romantic past that ended badly. Neither wants to be on this journey to find their inheritance together. But Grandma Justine has something entirely different in mind than just a material inheritance. Can they follow the clues without fighting the entire time? Can they find their true inheritance?

Travel through the delightful town of Icicle Fall with Colin and Mia as they search for buried treasure in HOME ON APPLE BLOSSOM ROAD. Supporting characters from Sheila Roberts' Life in Icicle Falls series are brought back, and we are updated on their lives, through Mia and Colin's journey to find their inheritance. HOME ON APPLE BLOSSOM ROAD is a story about bringing the past to the present and venturing into the future. It's a story about identity. Are we defined by our careers or by our relationships with family and friends? Mia and Colin's history is told with flashbacks and through letters Justine had written to her mother and sister in Pennsylvania throughout her lifetime. The storyline is masterfully crafted to move you from the present to the past and back into the present. I've made several visits to this magical town and always enjoy catching up with the inhabitants and stopping in the beautiful shops through Sheila Roberts' eyes. No need to have read the previous installments, but why miss such a wonderful romantic series?

Book Summary

Colin Wright and Mia Blair grew up in Icicle Falls, but they left years ago—and not on good terms. Now Colin's grandmother, Justine, has died, and they've come home to honor this woman they both loved. That's when they get some unexpected news. They're about to inherit something. Jointly. They just have no idea what. It turns out that Justine's designed a treasure hunt for them, like the ones they enjoyed when they were kids and best friends.

But they're not kids anymore, and they sure aren't best friends. As for that young love they once shared? Well… it's complicated.

On the trail of Justine's treasure, they follow a series of clues that take them down memory lane—ending up at the orchard on Apple Blossom Road. What will they find there? And what did Justine know that they didn't?

Read an Excerpt

Home on Apple Blossom Road by Sheila Roberts

Home on Apple Blossom Road

by: Sheila Roberts

Life in Icicle Falls #9

April 1, 2016
On Sale: March 22, 2016
Featuring: Colin Wright; Mia Blair
ISBN: 0778318796
EAN: 9780778318798
Kindle: B0166ASGGW
Paperback / e-Book

Available in: