By: Jennifer Beckstrand

Genres: Inspirational Amish | Amish | Romance

Posted: April 10, 2015

If you enjoy Amish fiction with a funny and romantic twist HUCKLEBERRY SPRINGS is the read for you. Grandmother (Mammi), Anna Helmuth, and grandfather, Felty, (Dawdi) are at it again. They have thirteen children and have been happily married for sixty-four years. They are born matchmakers.

They have been very successful in uniting couples and have their grandson Ben and his estranged fiance, Emma Nelson in their sights. About eight months ago, Ben abruptly broke his engagement to Emma and moved to Florida. It is time for Grandmother and Grandfather to continue their escapades into match making, and unite Ben and Emma.

Mammi has a plan. She just needs Dawdi to look at her assorted brochures on surgeries, and pick the one he wants. Next they notify Ben they need him to help on the farm at Hucklebery Springs until Grandfather recuperates. To get Emma back to the farm, Grandmother invites her over to the farm and asks that she plant a giant pumpkin for her just like the one Emma grew last year. No one says No to Mammi. Emma consents and agrees to return the next day. Grandmother's stage is set for a reunion for Emma and Ben, and hopefully a happily ever after. Grandfather picked nasal surgery!

Emma has never gotten over her love for Ben and cries each time she thinks of him. Klutzy and accident prone, she believes that is why Ben broke their engagement and moved away to Florida. Everyone loves sweet Ben and when he returns they are happy to see him and want to help him any way they can. However, Ben remains stubborn, wants Emma happily married to someone else....anyone else...he even sets her up with a bunch of his friends. No way. Emma has her heart set on Ben and nobody else will do. Time for grandfather to pick another surgery: planter's warts?

HUCKLEBERRY SPRING is the fourth in the Matchmaker's of Huckleberry Hill and Ms. Beckstrand does a great job at keeping your interest. Her story is about sweet friendships and sweeter love. Anna and Felty are adorable and so funny. Lizzie and Mahlon were a ton of laughs. The ending was not a surprise to me but coming very soon is the sequel Blueberry Harvest. I'll be sure to check it out and see what the matchmakers are up to next.

Book Summary

Nothing gives Anna and Felty Helmuth greater satisfaction than seeing their grandchildren happily married--except for planning their next matchmaking venture. And as springtime comes to Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin, the air is filled with promise. . .

Ever since the Helmuths' grandson, Ben, abruptly broke his engagement and moved to Florida, Emma Nelson has kept busy tending her vegetable garden and raising award-winning pumpkins. She can put her heartache aside to help Ben's Mammi with her own pumpkin patch. At least until Ben shows up to lend support to his ailing Dawdi. . .

Gardening side by side with pretty, nurturing Emma is a sweet kind of torture for Ben. She could have her pick of suitors who can offer what he can't, and he cares too much to burden her with his secret. Leaving once more is the only option. Yet Emma's courage is daring him to accept the grace that flourishes here, and the love that has been calling him back to Huckleberry Hill. . .

Huckleberry Spring by Jennifer Beckstrand

Huckleberry Spring

by: Jennifer Beckstrand

The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill #4

February 1, 2015
On Sale: January 27, 2015
Featuring: Emma Nelson; Ben Helmuth
352 pages
ISBN: 1420136496
EAN: 9781420136494
Kindle: 1420136496
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book

Available in: