"A compelling and highly charged suspense thriller set in the backwoods of Maine!"

By: Paul Doiron

Genres: Suspense

Posted: September 14, 2014

After making her fortune selling organic teas and herbal supplements from herbs she learned about in her former hippie days, Elizabeth (Betty) Morse decides to build a majestic log mansion fronting on a lake in the woodlands area of Maine. The area is famous for its beauty and its game and the site of her new home had previously been an historic sporting game. Yet Betty isn't interested in the hunting as she has a different game in mind. After quietly buying up local property, Betty Morse (aka Queen Elizabeth by the locals) has amassed over 100,000 areas of land that she now wants to donate to the federal government for a national park. A generous gesture, yet one that is not appreciated by many of the hunters and forestry workers who worry about how this will affect their lives and their ability to support their families.

This situation has created a lot of tension and hotly aired feelings. Even the local game warden Mike Bowditch has ambivalent feelings about it. So after being called by his good buddy Billy Cronk to come to the Morse estate, Mike isn't sure what to expect, but what he finds is evil indeed!

Bowditch is first on the scene in discovering the senseless slaughter of a number of moose, but politics are now affecting his role in the investigation. Who could possibly have done this murderous crime? Could they get to the bottom of it before more trouble arises?

MASSACRE POND is the fourth mystery story in the Mike Bowditch series written by New York Times Bestselling author Paul Dorion and, before you know it, you are instantly whisked off to the Maine woods. There, you are just as unsettled by the unusually warm October heat and the shocking sights of the fly covered dead moose lying on the ground as Mike is.

As a registered Maine Guide and the former Editor in Chief of Down East: The Magazine of Maine, Dorion knows not only the rugged beauty of his home state as well as knowing exactly how to capture that beauty in his wonderful prose that is as crisp and colourful as autumn leaves. Dorion is definitely not afraid of controversy and, inspired by some actual events that happened in Maine, he skillfully works in a number of highly charged issues into the exciting plotline. As MASSACRE POND is my first exposure to the series, I know the story can be a terrific read as a stand- alone book, yet I am sure it will be even more meaningful to Dorion's many fans. After reading MASSACRE POND, I fully intend to read the earlier books in this great series.

Dorion's skillful plotting and strong sense of place in MASSACRE POND makes the story comes across in a very authentic manner that should appeal to many readers. Having been to Maine myself, I feel Dorion effectively captures both the remote location as well its many varied inhabitants. Being very familiar with and enjoying the works of Craig Johnson (Longmire series) and C.J. Box (especially his Joe Pickett series also featuring a game warden), I am sure fans of those western authors would relish this author's unique regional style as well.

I must admit that I am quite taken with Mike Bowditch as a protagonist. Mike is a young man with personal integrity who loves parts of his job as game warden, especially being outdoors, but due to his tendencies to be outspoken and rash in his actions, he frequently get negative fallout from his political higher-ups. Mike is intelligent and very inquisitive and ponders on his own personal dilemmas and issues as well as searching out information to find who is behind this massacre. I appreciate the way Dorion uses both French and English names for his characters as that is reflective of many people's heritage in the northeastern states close to the Quebec border. Although some of his lowlife characters tend to verge a little close to stereotypes, Dorion's vivid descriptions instantly make all the various characters spring to life which keeps the story moving with interesting dialogue.

If you are looking for an intriguing and different read, you will do well by picking up MASSACRE POND by the award winning writer Paul Dorion! Not only is MASSACRE POND an exciting and captivating read, but The Bone Orchard, the next book in the series is also now available! Enjoy!

Book Summary

Massacre Pond is Edgar finalist Paul Doiron's superb new novel featuring Game Warden Mike Bowditch and a beautiful, enigmatic woman whose mission to save the Maine wilderness may have incited a murder

On an unseasonably hot October morning, Bowditch is called to the scene of a bizarre crime: the corpses of seven moose have been found senselessly butchered on the estate of Elizabeth Morse, a wealthy animal rights activist who is buying up huge parcels of timberland to create a new national park.

What at first seems like mindless slaughter—retribution by locals for the job losses Morse's plan is already causing in the region—becomes far more sinister when a shocking murder is discovered and Mike's investigation becomes a hunt to find a ruthless killer. In order to solve the controversial case, Bowditch risks losing everything he holds dear: his best friends, his career as a law enforcement officer, and the love of his life.

The beauty and magnificence of the Maine woods is the setting for a story of suspense and violence when one powerful woman’s missionary zeal comes face to face with ruthless cruelty.

Massacre Pond by Paul Doiron

Massacre Pond

by: Paul Doiron

Mike Bowditch Mysteries

Minotaur Books
June 1, 2014
On Sale: June 17, 2014
Featuring: Game Warden Mike Bowditch; Elizabeth Morse
336 pages
ISBN: 1250049091
EAN: 9781250049094
Kindle: B009LRWV82
Paperback / e-Book

Available in: