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HUNTED by Elizabeth Heiter

"HUNTED offers a thrill ride introduction to Evelyn Baine, FBI profiler extraordinaire."

By: Elizabeth Heiter

Genres: Romance Suspense | Thriller

Posted: January 22, 2014

FBI Profiler Evelyn Baine is very good at her job. She's driven to be the best due to a tragedy in her childhood. Her best friend, Cassie, disappeared one summer, shaping Evelyn's future. She knew by the end of that summer that she wanted to work for the FBI so that she might, one day, find out what happened to Cassie.

However, in spite of being great at her job, Evelyn is still a part of what is essentially still a "man's world." Her boss, Dan, doesn't seem to like her and a few of her fellow agents seem to be mean to her at every opportunity. On the other hand, the agents that like and respect her can't seem to gain her friendship because of her rigid control. She has vowed to never let anyone see her out of control.

So when a serial killer surfaces in a small Virginia town, she jumps at the chance to profile the killer. Once again, she has to defend her ability to do her job. But it seems that she may have done it a bit too well when she becomes a target herself.

When you pick up HUNTED, get ready for a roller coaster ride that will twist, turn and spin you around until the very last page! I loved this book! Evelyn Baine is one of the most amazing characters created in print that I've ever had the pleasure to get to know. She's strong on the outside and all too human on the inside. Determined to be the best that she can be, Evelyn tries harder than her co-workers to solve cases because she truly cares about the victims and the victims to be. She never wants anyone to go through what she experienced when she lost Cassie.

HUNTED is an ongoing tightrope of tension that will keep you up until the wee hours of the night. I found myself literally holding my breath during certain parts of HUNTED. I was a little upset to see the book end but I was thrilled to know that I get to be a part of Evelyn's life once more in the second book of The Profiler Series.

Elizabeth Heiter has created an unforgettable cast of characters that I, personally, will remain caught up in with every forthcoming book in this series. If you love a book that grabs you by the throat and holds you there until the very end of a breathless journey, HUNTED must be added to your wish list of books.

Book Summary

Terror stalks a small Virginia town. 

FBI rising star, criminal profiler Evelyn Baine, knows how to think like a serial killer. But she's never chased anyone like the Bakersville Burier, who hunts young women and displays them, half-buried, deep in the woods. As the body count climbs, Evelyn's relentless pursuit of the killer puts her career—and her life—at risk. And the evil lurking in the Burier's mind may be more than even she can unravel.

Terror is closer than she thinks… 

The Bakersville Burier knows he's got an FBI profiler on his trail. He knows who she is and where to find her. And he's biding his time, because he's planned a special punishment for Evelyn. She may have tracked other killers, but he vows to make this her last chase. This time it's her turn to be hunted!

Read an Excerpt

Hunted by Elizabeth Heiter


by: Elizabeth Heiter

The Profiler #1

January 1, 2014
On Sale: December 31, 2013
Featuring: Evelyn Baine
400 pages
ISBN: 0778315843
EAN: 9780778315841
Kindle: B00EB3FIZE
Paperback / e-Book

Available in: