"How do you know when you truly are in love with someone?"

By: Leslie Gould

Genres: Inspirational Amish | Romance | Inspirational Romance

Posted: April 14, 2013

Addie Cramer is not sure about her feelings for Phillip Eicher. Her parents are pushing her to court and marry him. After all, he's the bishop's son; who could be better? But Addie doesn't think he's the one. This becomes a conflict with her parents, who are very hard on Addie, but let her six brothers have many freedoms and indulgences not usually afforded Amish children. Addie questions her parents about this, as well.

When Jonathan Mosier moves into the area, Addie becomes instantly attracted to him. He's everything Phillip is not: kind, gentle, a good God-fearing man and so talented. Phillip is very self-centered and pragmatic. He seems to have already made all the decisions for their life together. Will Addie ever be able to make her own choices? Will she ever feel she is cherished by anyone?

Leslie Gould has written a wonderful Amish story depicting a very unique perspective of modern day Amish culture. She gives a very human quality to her characters, in that some of them have many flaws in their personalities. Gould deals with depression as a social issue and the fact that it can be genetic. ADORING ADDIE is the second book in Gould's The Courtships of Lancaster County series. It's a story of hope; a story about overcoming all the negative criticisms and put-downs Addie receives from her family and yearning for a sense of gratitude and just a little encouragement. I found myself rooting for Addie and Jonathan as they struggle to bring two families back together and heal the unfortunate hurt that occurred over 25 years ago between their families. If you are a fan of Amish fiction, you will thoroughly enjoy this inspirational story.

Book Summary

A New Amish Romance from Christy Winner and Bestselling Author Leslie Gould

When Addie Cramer's mutter and daed decide Phillip Eicher is the man for her to marry, they claim she must honor them by obeying their wishes. But then she falls in love with Jonathan Mosier--part of the family with whom the Cramers have a long-held grudge.

With the help of others in her community who long to see the quarrel healed, Jonathan and Addie struggle to continue their relationship against both sets of parents' wishes. But when one of Addie's vengeful brothers harms a member of the Mosier family, Jonathan intervenes and is banished from Lancaster County.

A distraught Addie determines to find the true reason for the grudge between the two families, hoping to tear down the animosity of the past. Can their love for each other bridge the divide between their families? Or are they destined to remain apart forever?

Adoring Addie by Leslie Gould

Adoring Addie

by: Leslie Gould

Bethany House
May 1, 2013
On Sale: May 1, 2013
Featuring: Addie Cramer; Phillip Eicher; Jonathan Mosier
352 pages
ISBN: 0764210327
EAN: 9780764210327
Kindle: B00B85M0KO
Trade Size / e-Book

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