"When hearts and leaves swirl to find their way!"

By: Rosalind Lauer

Genres: Romance | Inspirational Amish

Posted: December 1, 2012

Annie Stoltzfus has set her cap on Adam, the oldest boy in the King family, but his heart has found another and an outsider as well. Leaving her fast paced life in New York behind, Remy McCallister was trying her hardest to learn all the correct Amish ways, so she could be baptised into the faith and marry Adam. Surprising herself, Annie gently stops Remy from making a mistake. Now with some kind words and Remy's smile of gratitude, Annie realizes she likes her and jealousy no longer consumes her heart. While still young and pretty, Annie realizes she is getting too old. So, almost giving up on finding a husband and starting a family in her own community, she turns her attention to matchmaking and is bound and determined to see her younger sister, Hannah, paired up. Jonah King is a perfect mate.

Little does Annie realize that Jonah, Adam's brother, has been in love with her for years and longed for her attention. Always known as "The Quiet One", only Mary, Jonah's sister has guessed at his true feelings. Could he really open up and tell Annie? She certainly isn't interested in him.

Meanwhile, another romance is going on between a younger King brother and Emma Lapp, now a school teacher in their community of Halfway in Lancaster County. She loves Gabe King with all her being, but he is not inclined to give up his wild rides on a borrowed motorbike and all the freedom he enjoys while on his rumspringa.

Will be ever grow up and take on his manly role? Emma is soon to be baptised and that would require her to be a respected member and bound by the rules of the Ordnung. Much as they love each other, they both know things can not continue as they are. Gabe also loves his community, but will the thrill of speed prove too powerful for him?

The large King family has long been a loving family with a house full of laughter, but they have more than their share of tribulations, especially when their parents are murdered and Adam had returns home to take care of his nine other siblings. While the impact of that still resonats, more joy comes when Remy comes into their lives. Still, too much undue attention has resulted and Jonah certainly doesn't want to do anything that will bring further community attention to them, yet when Annie's father needs to get to the hospital, he has to make a critical decision. The future now looks very uncertain.

Inspired by the golden sunshine and the swirling colours of fall, Rosalind Lauer has written a heartfelt and inspiring story of romance and the many complexities of life and decisions that have to be made, even for those intent on following the well-trodden path of life in an Amish community. While a well steeped tale that could easily be read as a standalone romance, it is much more satisfying to be read as the concluding book in the Seasons of Lancaster trilogy. Fans of Amish and inspirational stories are sure to love A SIMPLE AUTUMN. I know I did and I am thrilled to learn that more opportunities for connecting again with some of the characters will happen in the next series that Lauer is writing, entitled "Lancaster Crossroads". This is a fine autumn offering that can be enjoyed anytime!

Book Summary

For fans of Cindy Woodsmall and Beverly Lewis, Rosalind Lauer’s Seasons of Lancaster novel A Simple Autumn is a wonderful Amish story about two brothers navigating through the troubled waters of love.

Jonah King has no desire to leave his close-knit community. All his hopes and dreams lie in Lancaster County, and many of them revolve around his longtime love for Annie Stoltzfus. For years he’s been trying to get her to see what burns inside his heart, yet he remains all but invisible to her. Annie’s beautiful eyes reflect only her affection for Jonah’s older brother—and her sadness when he chooses another. Jonah knows that he must speak up, but when he’s around Annie his calm, capable demeanor flees, leaving him tongue-twisted and awkward.

Gabe King has been courting schoolteacher Emma Lapp for months, but she insists on keeping their relationship secret. Emma embraces her duty to set a good example for her pupils, but Gabe is in his rumspringa and still wild at heart, riding motorbikes and unwilling to cut his ties to the outside world. Much to Emma’s deep sorrow, it appears that she and Gabe are choosing different paths.
As swirling leaves of orange and gold dance across the countryside, two brothers must find the courage and faith to reconcile their heritage and their hearts.
A beautiful story that explores the clarity of true love, A Simple Autumn is a bounty for heart and soul.

A Simple Autumn by Rosalind Lauer

A Simple Autumn

by: Rosalind Lauer

Seasons of Lancaster #3

October 1, 2012
On Sale: October 16, 2012
Featuring: Annie Stoltzfus; Jonah King
400 pages
ISBN: 0345526759
EAN: 9780345526755
Kindle: B0080KAX3Q
Trade Size / e-Book

Available in: