"Witty, fun romance you can't put down."

By: Maya Rodale

Genres: Romance Historical

Posted: June 24, 2011

Lady Julianna Somerset, also known as A Lady of Distinction, manages to find those in the ton in compromising situations and writes about it in The London Weekly. And does she have a story when she spots Lord Simon Sinclair with someone that will make for the best gossip of the season.

When Simon is given an ultimatum by his father, marry or loose everything, he finds he has no choice but to start searching the market. But when he discovers what Julianna has done he sets his sites on ruining her reputation just as she did his. And how much fun he is going to have doing it when he decides seduction of the lady is the way to go.

With both their reputations and Simon's inheritance on the line, they soon find that they have no choice but to combine their efforts to end the gossip and make Simon's father happy. They must do the only thing possible, they have to marry each other.

Of course when a marriage of convenience is agreed to what neither Julianna nor Simon is prepared for is the temptation to take it beyond convenience. When Julianna's nemesis for a rival paper finds out the truth, will their marriage survive?

Maya Rodale has outdone herself with A TALE OF TWO LOVERS; full of humor, romance, and everything a reader is looking for in a story (including a headstrong heroine and a rake to become reformed). I cannot wait to read what Ms. Rodale writes next.

Book Summary

Lord Simon Roxbury is a godsend to gossip columnists everywhere. This notorious rake has recently been caught in an extremely compromising position by none other than The London Weekly's Lady of Distinction. Rumor also has it that Lord R received an ultimatum: be wed or be penniless.

As A Lady of Distinction, Lady Julianna Somerset typically reports on other people's scandals, but soon she finds herself embroiled in a very public battle with an irate Lord Roxbury -- one that leaves her reputation in tatters and her position at The Weekly on the line.

With no other choice available, these two enemies unite in a marriage of convenience to rescue both their reputations and secure his fortune. With their rivals intent on revealing the charade, Lady Julianna and Lord Simon inevitably surrender to temptation. It may just be a love match after all. . . .

A Tale Of Two Lovers by Maya Rodale

A Tale Of Two Lovers

by: Maya Rodale

Writing Girls Romance #2

May 1, 2011
On Sale: April 26, 2011
Featuring: Julianna Somerset; Simon Roxbury
384 pages
ISBN: 0061922994
EAN: 9780061922992
Kindle: B004HW782U
Paperback / e-Book

Available in: