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"Violent crime mystery with great attention to detail."

By: Ian Rankin

Genres: Thriller Political | Suspense Spy

Posted: November 17, 2006

The tables have finally turned for British hit man Michael Weston. After making his mark in this seedy underworld as one of the best, cold-blooded hit men around, it appears that someone just may be after him this time.

After pulling off his latest job -- the murder of journalist Eleanor Ricks -- Weston nearly gets caught, despite his meticulous planning and preparation that included diversions such as a secondary explosion and a fake head wound requiring a trip to the ER. To his astonishment, he barely slips past the cops.

What went wrong this time? Is someone setting him up? Is it payback time for a murder-for-hire gone wrong that involved a stray bullet and the death of a young American girl? Who has set their sights on Weston, and why do they what him dead?

The reader will chase answers across the Atlantic Ocean to Texas and Seattle. With more twists and turns than one can count, Ian Rankin creates a crafty, mysterious, violent read with a level of detail that's hard to match. Those readers with a passion for crime minutia will be pleased, while it may leave other readers overwhelmed.

Book Summary

Michael Weston is a gun for hire. He's paid well to do his job and ask no questions. But after successfully assassinating a TV reporter, the cops are quickly on his tail. How did they know how to find him? And who is his anonymous employer? Why did he or she want the reporter dead in the first place? Was he set up to be caught and thrown in jail?

The answers may lie with Hoffer, a private detective who has been hunting him for years--ever since Michael dispatched a bullet and accidentally hit an innocent young American girl. Her grieving father has kept Hoffer on retainer and on a mission to bring Weston to justice no matter what the cost. Could Hoffer have finally trapped him?

The only way Michael can stay ahead of the police is to find his mysterious employer and figure out who has been playing him like a puppet on strings--or he may find himself on the other end of the rifle.

Bleeding Hearts by Ian Rankin

Bleeding Hearts

by: Ian Rankin

Little, Brown
November 1, 2006
On Sale: November 15, 2006
Featuring: Michael Weston
384 pages
ISBN: 0316009121
EAN: 9780316009126

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